yard-o-led & pocket watch

This is an old, large pocket watch that comes from my grandfathers family. I think that it and the YOLs are a perfect match. It is an American watch and I believe it was a gift to my grandfather’s father from relatives that emigrated to the United States Of America around the previous turn of the century. On the backside of the watch is an inlaid golden cow or bull and I’ll post a close up of it later. I like to hold it and imagine where it came from and what it has been through. It still works. I didn’t think it would, but when I tried to wind it up it started to tick . Amazing. Things are just…things…but some things carry a lot of personal value. It feels good to know that my grandfather’s father have held it in his hand, watching the time go by – maybe thinking of who he had gotten it from and where it came from. Timeless. Priceless.

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7 Responses to yard-o-led & pocket watch

  1. FPNBallboy says:

    This is why people of taste carry handkerchiefs…to stop the drooling :)

  2. TAO says:

    You have what is known as a “private label” watch. A.N. Anderson was a distributor/jeweler in St. Paul Minnesota at the time your watch was made (likely in the late 19th century). This firm bought movements from several of the major watch companies and sold them with a dial marked with their name on it. It was a common practice and many jewelers did so.

    Anderson may have been contracted to do railroad watch inspection. This was done to make sure the timepieces used by railroad employees were in good working order and all keeping time to a set standard. Speaking of that you watch being marked “Standard” on the dial may mean it is of a higher quality which was mandated by the Railroads.

    The watch is what is known as “18 size” and most likely is not in the original case because the seconds hand is on the right of the watch when you hold it crown up. An “open face” case like this is would hold a movement with the seconds register at the bottom (crown up). “Hunter” cases are the ones with a cover over the dial that pop opens when you view the time. Those watches are held sideways when you do this (covers are hinged on the bottom) and movements for those cases are made like yours.

    Much more information could be had if the back cover was removed and the serial number obtained. There are listings of how many of that model were made, roughly when, and what timekeeping features it has.

    OK, that’s a lot of boring stuff. Sorry to have run on.

  3. Lexi0514 says:

    WOW….that picture looks just like it was taken in the early 1900’s. I LOVE that pen. Did you get it new or used?
    I’m sooooooo jealous. I also love pocket watches but don’t have any. This could be a “new” hobby, yes?

    • dandelion says:

      I got it used for quite a good price – it is really gorgeous! Thankfully I think that – even though I love this watch – that I am not on the verge to be obsessed by watches…but one never knows!

  4. dandelion says:

    It is a A.N. Anderson Standard Time. It is in silver, with a copper coloured bull on the back.

  5. TAO says:

    Nice combo! I collect pocket watches and tried to see what was written on the dial but couldn’t. I always felt my pocket watches and fountain pens went very well together.

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